My Global Classroom
It is a perfect time in education and global interconnectivity to make global classroom connections accessible for all public, private, and homeschooled students. We are motivated by the "6-Cs" of 21st-century education: Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, Citizenship, and Character. We also look to incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals with our work, orienting K-12 students to the vast and essential goals to improve our world for all people.
Our goal is to help you, your classroom, and your school find cooperating K-12 schools all over the planet to collaborate on standards-aligned projects, learn about cultural and language, and become increasingly globally competence and aware, which should facilitate global citizenship.

Our Global Classroom Partners
The list of Global Classroom connections below have been curated and organized to suit your unique and creative instructional and collaborative needs. You can click on the link in each box to visit their website to learn more about the type of partnership and learning experiences they orchestrate for you. Click Read More above for a quick overview comparing each of the sites.